Very specific target group: Belgian/Dutch families with children who love the outdoors for camping, traveling, hiking ... Content is in Dutch.
Hardly any other Belgian/Dutch blogs or influencers targeting the "camping with kids" niche
Simpelweg …
an adventurous blog about the outdoors with children
Simpelweg in numbers
Blog ( 16600 unique visitors in 2023 (update: 1/1/2024)
Instagram (@simpelweg): 2150 followers (update: 14/1/2024)
Simpelweg in the media
Belgian Travel Blog Awards: among the 4 nominees for the Belgian Travel Blog Awards in the category “best family travel” (in Y2023 and Y2021)
Several articles in Belgian magazines and newspapers
About us
Elke (39) has a journalistic background, teaches foreign-speaking newcomers, has the world in her classroom, loves camping and the silence of nature
Wouter (42) teaches marketing & IT, looks for simplicity in things, loves cycling in the mountains and the vastness of the sea
Oscar (8) likes nothing better than climbing trees and making a fire
Ella (6) wants to jump in puddles and roast marshmallows all day long
Collaborating with Simpelweg?
We are always looking for new outdoor adventures! You’re running a camping spot or an outdoor product that you would like to draw attention to? Let us know!
Contact us!
Phone: +32486127620 (Elke) | +32472466171 (Wouter)